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(A unit of Vidya International Charitable Trust)
Computer science & Engineering is the study of computation and information. Computer science deals with theory of computation algorithms, computational problems and the design of computer systems hardware, software and applications. The most important aspect of computer science is problem solving, an essential skill for life. Students study about the design, development and analysis of software and hardware which is used to solve problems in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts.
Engineers with specialization in computing are in great demand in today’s IT-driven society. The department’s objective is to enhance the fundamentals of computer engineering and evolve our students into top computer professionals.
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was established in the year 2017. Annual intake of students is 120. The department has competent and committed faculty which encourages students involvement in various co-curricular activities along with their academics. Computer Science students consistently achieved prizes for various competitions. The department also takes initiative for the conduct of various inter/intra collegiate competitions to improve the skills of students.
The department strives towards building progress that not only concentrate on logic and design, but also in inculcating soft skills such as team-work, leadership and self-confidence. The department intends to train students in advanced core courses that have been the foundation of our field, as well as emerging technology that are being used in latest revolutionary concepts, such as Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and so on.
Vision: To be a Centre of excellence in computer science & engineering education and research, producing globally competent professionals through value-based knowledge integration and innovations in cutting edge technology
M1: To provide career- based education, helping students hone their professional skills and acquire best-in class capabilities.
M2: Prepare students to be a competent professional through research and industry interaction
M3: To imbibe spirit of innovation among students
M4: Inculcate values and ethics among students to support the needs of society
PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO 1: identify ,analyse ,design and implement solutions for complex computational problems, using latest hardware and software tools.
PSO 2 : Gain the knowledge in contemporary research areas and practices in Computer Science and apply them to develop innovative products to meet the societal needs thereby evolve as researcher and entrepreneur
The graduates of Computer Science and Engineering will
Activities for the month of January 2025
1.Workshop on “Virtual Lab”
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VAST TC organized a Workshop on “Virtual Lab” in association with NIT, Surathkal on 10th January 2025. The resource person of the event was Mrs. Vismaya M Kumar and Mrs. Akshara Acharya, Senior Research Fellow, Virtual Lab and Outreach Team, NIT, Surathkal. The seminar started with welcome speech by Ms. Vindhya Vijayan followed by a brief talk by Dr.C. Brijilal Ruban, HoD, CSE. Total of 106 students of S4 CSE and 16 staff members participated in this workshop. Positive responses were received from the students in the feedback session after the workshop. The event was structured in one-day session, followed by Q&A session and the feedback was collected from all students.
Activities for the month of August 2024
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VAST TC organized a one-day online Workshop on “BUILDING THE FUTUIRE: IOT SIMULATIONS FOR SMART ENVIRONMENTS” on 9th August 2024. The resource person of the event was Dr. J. Naskath, ASP/CSE, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, Tamilnadu. The event was coordinated by Ms. Shahana A H, AP/CSE. The event started after a brief talk by Dr. C. Brijilal Ruban, HoD, CSE. Total of 120 students of S5 CSE and S7 CSE participated in the workshop. Ms. Ansha Shakkeer, AP/CSE, delivered vote of thanks to the resource person as well as all the participants and organizers involved in this event. Mr. Bibin Dev and Ms. Raji Mol R T Trade Instructors, CSE were very much dedicated to render their service throughout the sessions.
The event was structured to maximize learning and engagement, with activities divided into two main sessions: forenoon and afternoon. Each session included interactive demonstrations and practical exercises to reinforce the concepts discussed. Following the afternoon session, a Q&A segment was held, allowing participants to clarify doubts, seek further insights, and engage in meaningful discussions with the expert. The positive feedback highlights the workshop's success in achieving its educational objectives and its impact on the participant’s knowledge and skills in IoT.
Activities for the month of June 2024
1.Orientation Program on Python Quest : Game Development using Python
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at VAST TC organized an Orientation Program on 28th June 2024. The Coordinator of this program is Ms. Ashly K John, AP/CSE, VAST TC. The resource persons for the event was Ms. Parvathy S K, Chief Technical Officer of White Track Technologies, Ms. Ashly K John and Ms.Beena V R, Assistant Professors at VAST TC. The program commenced at 9:30 AM with a silent prayer. Ms. Sansiya Vijayan, AP/CSE at VAST TC, delivered the welcome speech. Dr. C Brijilal Ruban, HoD/CSE, delivered the presidential address. Following that, the inaugural address was given by Academic Director Brig. K S Shaji. Ms. Ashly K John and Ms.Beena V R elaborated the opportunities of the CSE department. Ms. Parvathy S K given an overview of Python's syntax, data types, control structures and functions. The participants were then given hands-on exercises to practice writing Python code. Approximately 40 participants attended the session, which concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Seena Mol, AP/CSE, VAST TC.
Activities for the month of March 2024
1.Seminar on “Cyber Security & it’s opportunities"
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VAST TC organized a one-day Seminar on “Cyber Security & it’s opportunities” on 6th March 2024. The program was organized by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban, HoD of CSE. The resource person of the event was Mr. Vishnu Prasad M V, Senior HR, Srishti Innovative Pvt.Ltd, Technopark and Mr. Kiran K S Corporate Trainer cum Developer, Srishti Innovative Pvt.Ltd, Technopark. The event was coordinated by Ms. Vindhya Vijayan, Assistant Professor, CSE.
The seminar started with welcome speech by Ms. Vindhya Vijayan followed by a brief talk by Dr.C. Brijilal Ruban, HoD, CSE. Total of 61 students of S8 CSE and S6 CSE participated in this seminar. Positive responses were received from the students in the feedback session after the seminar. The event was structured in one-day session, followed by Q&A session and the feedback was collected from all students.
Activities for the month of February 2024
1. Add-on programme on "Full Stack Java"
As part of the Centre for Continuing Education, the Department of CSE offered an add-on programme on Full Stack Java for the 2021-2025 batch CSE students. The sessions were held on 16-02-2024, 17-02-2024, 20-02-2024, 21-02-2024, 19-04-2024, and 20-04-2024. Mr. Vishnu V Nair and Ms. Parvathy S K from White Track Technologies served as resource persons. They provided in-depth explanations about designing back-end architecture using multiple technologies, building front-end technologies to create user interfaces and developing flexible applications and websites according to client and end-user preferences. The programme was coordinated by Ms. Rejin Moncy A.
Activities for the month of December 2023
1.Workshop on "Hardware and Networking”
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, organized one day Workshop on Hardware and Networking for the plus two Students of VVHSS Poredamon 8th December 2023. The resource persons of the event were Mr. Vinod T, ITIMS Administrator, VAST TC and Ms.Beena V R, Assistant professor CSE, VAST TC. The event was coordinated by Ms.Beena V R, Assistant Professor CSE.
The event started after a brief talk by Brig. K S Shaji, Director, VASTTC. Total of 40 students from VVHSS Poredam participated in the workshop. Mr.Bibin Dev, Trade Instructor CSEw as very much dedicated to render his service throughout the sessions. The event was structured in 2 sessions and Positive responses were received from the students.
Activities for the month of October 2023
1. Webinar on “A Design and career opportunities in the evolution of 5G Technology”
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VAST TC organized a one day Webinar on “A Design and career opportunities in the evolution of 5G Technology” on 10th October 2023. The program was organized by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban, HoD of Computer Science and Engineering. The resource person of the event was Dr. R.M.Joany, Associate Professor in Satyabhama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. The event was coordinated by Ms.Rejin Moncy A, Assistant Professor CSE.
The webinar started with welcome speech by Ms Rejin Moncy followed by a brief talk by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban, HoD, CSE. Total of 106 students of S7 CSE and S5 CSE participated in the workshop. Ms.Anaya Anson, Assistant Professor, CSE, Ms.Ashly K John, Assistant Professor, CSE and Mr.Bibin Dev, Trade Instructor, CSE were very much dedicated to render their service throughout the sessions. Positive responses were received from the students through the googleform provided. The event was structured in 3 hour sessions, followed by Q&A session and the feedback was collected from all students.
Activities for the month of July 2023
1. Orientation Program on Byte Builders: Building the future with CSE
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at VAST TC organized an Orientation Program on 6th July 2023. The Coordinator of this program is Ms. Athulya Kamalasanan, AP/CSE, VAST TC. The resource persons for the event were Mr. Thoufeek Maheen, Co-Founder and Director of Ionaught Technologies Pvt Ltd, Ms. Divya M K, Mr. Suraj S R, and Ms. Athulya Kamalasanan, Assistant Professors at VAST TC.
The program commenced at 9:30 AM with a prayer song sung by Devika S B, S2 CSE. Ms. Krishna L, AP/CSE at VAST TC, delivered the welcome speech. Dr. C Brijilal Ruban, HoD/CSE, delivered the presidential address. Following that, the inaugural address was given by Academic Director Brig. K S Shaji. The resource persons elaborated on the opportunities within the CSE department. Approximately 60 participants attended the session, which concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Ansha Shakkeer, AP/CSE, VAST TC.
Activities for the month of April 2023
1. Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence - The Big Picture
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VAST TC organized a Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence - The Big Picture” on 28th April 2023. The program was organized by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban, HoD of Computer Science and Engineering. The resource person of the event was Prof. Sumod Sundar, Assistant Professor, Centre for Artificial Intelligence, TKM College of Engg Kollam. The event was coordinated by Mr. Suraj S R, Systems Manager/Assistant Professor, CSE. The webinar started with a welcome speech by Mr. Suraj S R followed by a brief talk by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban, HoD, CSE. Positive responses were received from the students through the google form provided. The event was structured in 1 hour 30 minutes session, followed by Q&A session and the feedback was collected from all students.
Activities for the month of January 2023
1. Virtual International conference on “Computer and Communication Technology”- VICCT’23
The Department of CSE of VAST TC organized an International conference on “Computer and Communication Technology”- VICCT’23 on 25th January 2023 from 10:00AM to 4:40 PM. The conference started at 11:00 AM with a silent prayer. Dr. C Brijilal Ruban, HoD of CSE delivered the Welcome speech. The Principal Dr T Mathavaraj Ravikumar, delivered the presidential address. The inaugural address was delivered by Academic Director Brig. K S Shaji, After the inaugural address the Chief Guest, Dr. Alain Bretto, Professor, Department of CSE in University of Caen, France addressed the gathering. Dr. G. Jaffino, Assistant Professor in Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, explained about the “Machine learning”, Dr. Baburaj Eppipanious, Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Bule Hora University, Haggre Mariam, Ethiopia, delivered a talk on “Emerging trends in Computer Science and Engineering”. Dr. G.Glorindal, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research in St. John the Baptist University, Central Africa and additional responsibility with Post Graduate Director at St. Eugene University in Zambia, Africa, for the technical talk. The session was on the topic “Artificial Intelligence”. The Conference Proceedings were released by the Principal Dr. T Mathavaraj Ravikumar and the first copy was handed over to the Director Brig. K S Shaji and the Convener Dr. C Brijilal Ruban. The Inaugural function ended with a Vote of Thanks by Divya M K, AP/CSE at 12:30PM. Around 100 participants attended the inaugural session including students, faculties and research scholars of various colleges.
The paper presentation started from 12:30PM, with the presence of the chairpersons Dr. S Vadhana Kumari, Professor, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology and Dr. E. Anna Devi, Associate Professor in Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. The session was coordinated by Ms. Ansha Shakeer, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE.
Activities for the month of November 2022
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VAST TC organized a Webinar on “Expectations of Industries” on 7th November 2022. The program was organized by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban, HoD of Computer Science and Engineering. The resource person of the event was Mr. Raphy Varghese, Founder Gooseberry Media. The event was coordinated by Ms.Ansha Shakkeer, Assistant Professor CSE. The event started after a brief talk by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban, HoD, CSE. Total of 67 students of S5 CSE and S7 CSE participated in the workshop. Ms.Krishna L, Assistant Professor, CSE, Ms.Rejin Moncy A, Assistant Professor, CSE, Mr.Suraj SR, Assistant Professor CSE, Mr.Bibin Dev,Trade Instructor, CSE and Ms.Raji Mol R T, Trade Instructor, CSE were very much dedicated to render their service throughout the sessions. Positive responses were received from the students through the google form provided. The event was structured in 2 hour sessions, followed by Q&A session and the feedback was collected from all students.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, organized an Webinar on “Recent Trends in IOT and its Applications” on 30thNovember 2022. The program was organized by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban (Asso.Prof & HoD-CSE). The resource person of the event was Dr. E. Anna Devi, Associate Professor in Satyabhama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. The event was coordinated by Ms.Krishna L (Asst.Prof-CSE). The webinar started with a welcome speech by Ms Krishna L followed by a brief talk by Dr.C.Brijilal Ruban (Asso.Prof & HoD-CSE). Out of 88 students of S5 CSE and S3CSE participated in the workshop. Ms.Ansha Shakkeer (Asst.Prof-CSE), Mr.BibinDev (TI-CSE) and Raji Mol (TI-CSE) were dedicated to render their service throughout the sessions. Positive responses were received from the students through the google form provided. The event was structured in 2 hour sessions, followed by a Q & A session, the feedback was collected from all students.
3. Add-on programme on "Full Stack Java"
As part of the Centre for Continuing Education, the Department of CSE offered an add-on programme on Full Stack Java for the 2019-2023 & 2020-2024 batch CSE students. The sessions were held on 14-11-2022,21-11-2022,31-3-2023,29-04-2023,1-4-2023 and 4-5-2023. Mr.Manu Manohar, Mr. Vishnu V Nair and Ms. Parvathy S K from Kompentenzen Technologies served as resource persons. They gave detailed explanations on how to build front-end technologies to create user interfaces, design back-end architecture utilising numerous technologies, and create adaptable websites and applications based on the preferences of clients and end users. The programme was coordinated by Ms. Rejin Moncy A.
Activities for the month of October 2022
The department of CSE of VAST TC conducted a webinar on “Career Guidance” to the 2022 batch CSE students on 1st October 2022 from 10:00AM to 11:30 AM. The webinar started at 10:00 AM with a Welcome speech by Divya M K, Assistant Professor, CSE, VASTTC. Dr. C Brijilal Ruban, HoD, CSE was invited to render the inaugural address. The resource person Beena V.R, Assistant Professor, CSE, VASTTC explained about the possibilities of Job opportunities for CSE graduates in various areas. This highly informative webinar was coordinated by Ms Divya M K (AP, CSE Dept.) and was well attended by the faculties and students.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering of VAST TC organized a one day Virtual Workshop on Mobile App Development on 18th October 2022. The resource person of the event was Mr. R. Ashok, Assistant Professor, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology. The event was coordinated by Ms.Beena V R, Assistant Professor, CSE. Total of 71 students of S5 CSE and S7 CSE participated in the workshop and got very positive responses through the feedback forms provided. The event was structured in 2 sessions, followed by Q&A session and the feedback was collected from all students.
Activities for the month of September 2022
1. WEBINAR ON VIRTUAL LABS in collaboration with NIT Surathkal, Karnataka
VAST TC in collaboration with NIT Surathkal, Karnataka organized a webinar on “Introductory to Virtual Labs” on 23rd September 2022. The objective of this initiative is to provide remote-access to Labs in various disciplines of Science and Engineering. The resource persons for the webinar were Ms Vismaya, senior research fellows at NITK, Surathkal, Ms Anusha, Ms. Thapasya and Mr.Sushan are all junior research fellows at NITK, Surathkal. The webinar started at 01.30 pm with a silent prayer. Divya M K, Nodal Coordinator, VAST TC, delivered the inaugural address. The resource persons explained about the possibilities of Virtual Labs in five core fields such as Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering. This highly informative webinar was coordinated by Ms Divya M K (AP, CSE Dept) and was well attended by the faculty and staff members of the college. The session concluded at 4:00 PM.
Activities for the month of June 2021
The Department of CSE, VAST TC conducted an online workshop on Ethical hacking for final year polytechnic students on 5th June, 2021 as a part of the Vidya Technical Outreach Programme. The programme was coordinated by Ms. Krishna L (AP CSE). The resource person of the programme was Ms. Divya M K (AP CSE). Arun Nambi & Bibin Binu (CSE 2019-23 batch & "IoT hackathon" participants) demonstrated hacking techniques to the participants. The session was mainly focused on the different types of ethical hackers & demonstration of a few hacking techniques & adaptable measures for not being hacked by hackers.
Activities for the month of November 2020
CODIAC, Association of CSE Department, VAST TC conducted an Interactive session: ”THE ART OF PROBLEM SOLVING”, for first year CSE students on 03/11/2020 from 11:00 Am to 12:00 pm under the guidance of Ms. Divya Madhu (HoD-CSE). The speaker of the event was Ms. Sreenu G (Research Scholar, VIT). The webinar was coordinated by Ms. Sreejam M and Ms. K S Anusree (Asst. Prof CSE VAST TC, Faculty Mentors of CODIAC, Association of Computer Science and Engineering).
The Department Association of Computer Science and Engineering, VAST TC - CODIAC conducted an Interactive session:” ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ABOUT COMPUTER SCIENCE”, for first year CSE students on 07/11/2020 from 11:00 Am to 12:00 pm under the guidance of Ms. Divya Madhu (HoD- CSE). The speaker of the event was Ms Mariyam Angela Gogy (E- Commerce Strategist, Virtuna, Ex-McKinsey and civil Service Aspirant). The webinar was chaired by Ms. Divya Madhu ( HoD- CSE VAST TC) . The webinar was coordinated by Ms. Sreejam M and Ms. K S Anusree (Asst. Prof CSE VAST TC, Faculty Mentors of CODIAC, Association of Computer Science and Engineering). The student participation was really very encouraging and full of enthusiasm. The webinar was structured in a welcome speech, presentations, followed by Q&A; and a Google form-based feedback collection from all participants. The session concluded at 12: 15 pm.
Activities for the month of October 2020
The Department Association of Computer Science and Engineering, VAST TC - CODIAC conducted an Interactive session:” TECHNOPHILIA”, for first year CSE students on 17/10/2020 from 06:00 pm to 07:00 pm under the guidance of Ms. Divya Madhu(HoD- CSE). The speakers of the event were Ms. Maria Baby (Business Analyst at Qburst Technologies and Ms Anu S Alunkal (Associate Software Engineer at Virtusa Consultancy Services). The webinar was chaired by the Ms. Divya Madhu( HoD- Department of CSE) . Ms. Sreejam M and Ms. K S Anusree (Assistant professor, Department of CSE VAST TC, Coordinators of CODIAC) coordinated the session. The student participation was really very encouraging and full of enthusiasm. The webinar was structured in an welcome speech, introduction; Two presentations, followed by Q&A; and a Google form-based feedback collection from all participants.
The Department has fully equipped classrooms and laboratories:
Computer Labs DO’s and DON’T
Computer Lab Safety Rules for Protecting Equipment
General Safety Guidelines to be followed at all times
HOD Computer Science and Engineering
Office Phone : 914702649574 , 914702649234
Ext: 129
Email: hodcse.vasttc@vidyatcklmr.ac.in
Malakkal P.O, Kilimanoor, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala- 695 602, India
Phone: +91- 470-2649574, 2649234
Mobile: +91 9447540982
E-Mail: info@vidyatcklmr.ac.in
Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University | Approved by AICTE
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