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Vidya Academy of Science & Technology Technical Campus

(A unit of Vidya International Charitable Trust)

Accredited by NAAC with "B++" grade


Vidya Academy of Science & Technology Technical Campus (VAST TC), one of the best Engineering colleges in Kerala is situated at Kilimanoor is a venture of Vidya International Charitable Trust (VICT). This college was established based on guidelines issued by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Approval F.No. South-West/1-1419517371/2013/LOA dated 10-Apr-2013 and affiliated to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University vide reference No: KTU/A/593/2015 dated 15/05/2015 and previously to the Kerala University vide reference No. Ac.B/02/17683/2012-13 dated 14/05/13 . With the short period, this institution has developed with its talented and committed faculty, high quality infrastructure, high technology teaching aids and by providing a serene atmosphere that complements academic life. VAST TC makes the students life in the campus very interesting and purposeful. The students are provided with opportunities to take part in sports & games, cultural programs, dramas, various club activities and National Service Scheme. In addition, ample opportunities are provided in participating and conducting seminars, workshops, symposiums etc. The trust was constituted with a vision to provide higher education and training to our younger generation who will be highly sought after by leading business houses worldwide.

B.Tech Programmes
Branch of Engineering Intake Additional seats under Fees Waiver Scheme Lateral Entry Seats
Civil Engineering 60 3 6
Electronics & Communication Engineering 60 3 6
Mechanical Engineering 30 1 3
Computer Science & Engineering 120 6 12


VAST Technical Campus

Malakkal P.O, Kilimanoor, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala- 695 602, India

Phone: +91- 470-2649574, 2649234

Mobile: +91 9447540982


VICT | VAST Thrissur | IT Division

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Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University | Approved by AICTE

Copyright © 2021, All Rights Reserved.

Admission Notifications

+91-470-2649574/ 2649234
+91-9447540982/ 8547909574
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